Nanny/ Family Assistants

Our Nanny/ Family Assistants help with a variety of needs to help keep your home running smoothly and your family happy & healthy. Designed to give you the support and help you need and deserve. 

Our Nanny / Family Assistants have experience working in busy households. They thrive in the various tasks and needs of your family.

How Can An INA Nanny/Family Assistant Help With Your Children & Home?

In addition to traditional nanny duties a nanny family assistant can:

 ● Take out garbage and recycling as needed 

● Strip children’s beds, wash linens, make beds every other week

● Organize kids’ closets, drawers, bedrooms, playrooms, etc. 

● Organize kitchen pantry and clean out the refrigerator/freezer

● Assist with the children’s laundry, towels & sheets including folding, hanging, and putting clothes away 

● Run household errands including the grocery store, target, post office, and pharmacy

● Tidy/straighten in high-traffic areas of the house 

● Prepare Family Meals

● Organize and assist with packing children’s things before vacations

OUR Process

  • Through our registration process and in-depth consultative call we will learn all about your family and help you define the solution to best meet your unique needs.

  • To ensure your family has the best talent available we will customize a search specifically for. Using recruitment techniques and resourced perfected over 15 years of experience we offer a through search to ensure you have the top candidates.

  • We will present the top candidates hand-selected for your family’s unique needs and requirements. Every candidate is pre-vetted, experienced and passionate about helping families.

  • We guide you with making a competitive offer and customized agreement that outlines your family’s needs, expectations from your nanny/ family assistant and ensures you start your relationship on the right foot.

Your investment

  • To ensure our consultative services are tailored to what is best for your family, INA charges a flat rate placement fee rather than a percentage of your nanny/ family assistant compensation. This approach provides you with a predictable investment and ensures that you are not penalized for offering your nanny a competitive wage.

    Full-Time Nanny/ Family Assistant Placement Fee $8947

    Part-Time Nanny/ Family Assistant Placement Fee $4547

  • Full-Time Replacement Policy:

    If the initial Candidate leaves the Client's employment, a prorated credit will be provided to the Client to start a new search based on the number of days the Candidate worked for the Client. Credit replacement

    0-90 days- 100% credit

    91-150 days- 75% credit

    151-180 days- 50% credit

    181-210 days- 25% credit


    Part-Time Replacement Policy:

    If the initial Candidate leaves the Client's employment within the 30 days replacement policy time limits, INA will make reasonable efforts for 30 days to provide additional referrals for a maximum of one replacement Candidate.

We promise to provide an outstanding service experience by investing time to get to know our families and job seekers, so we can provide an ideal match. We believe that if both sides of the placement—family and Nanny—are beyond satisfied, the relationship will be strong and long lasting.


Jane was a pleasure to work with. I look forward to working with her again.

Nancy O.