Nanny Work Agreement

Professional accountant with documents reading text of financial contract

Being a nanny is both a privilege and a responsibility, as you are entrusted with the safety and well-being of another family’s children. However, like any professional, it’s crucial to establish your terms of employment through a work agreement. This vital tool helps ensure that both you and the family are on the same page about the job’s expectations, terms, and conditions, avoiding misunderstandings and disagreements down the line. This article outlines why every nanny should have a work agreement and what it should contain.

The Importance of a Work Agreement

Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities

A work agreement clearly spells out the nanny’s roles and responsibilities. It provides a framework and a point of reference for what is expected of you as a nanny. It can range from routine childcare duties to more specific tasks like the kids’ meal plans, bedtime routines, and homework assistance. Clear expectations from the onset will help you perform your job effectively and confidently.

Protection for Both Parties

The work agreement also serves as a legal document, protecting both you and the family. It ensures you’re paid for your services and outlines what happens if the agreement is violated. It safeguards the nanny from potential exploitation and gives parents peace of mind knowing they have recourse if things go wrong.

Facilitates Open Communication

A work agreement promotes open communication between you and the parents. By discussing the terms of employment together, you can address any questions or concerns upfront, ensuring that both parties are comfortable with the conditions before starting the job.

Essential Elements of a Nanny Work Agreement

While every work agreement will be unique, here are some essential elements that it should contain:

Job Description

Detail the tasks you’re expected to perform, such as feeding, bathing, assisting with homework, etc. It’s also helpful to indicate what tasks are not part of your responsibilities to avoid any future misunderstandings.

Work Schedule

This section should include your working hours, days off, and any provisions for overtime or night duties. Having a well-defined schedule helps to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Should include information re not allowing to bank hours(if a family for example, lets the nanny go home early on a Friday, it would not be ok for them to ask for the nanny to work Saturday night to replace those hours. But they could ask the nanny to work Saturday night and if the nanny wanted to work the nanny would be paid for the time worked).

Salary and Benefits

Clearly state your compensation, including the payment schedule. Other benefits such as health insurance, paid vacation, and sick days should also be included in this section. Also should address what happens if the nanny is available for work but the family does not need the nanny(away for vacation for example). 

Confidentiality Clause

As a nanny, you are privy to private aspects of the family’s life. A confidentiality clause protects the family’s privacy and makes it clear that private family matters should not be shared.

Termination Conditions

Clearly outline the terms of termination, including notice periods and grounds for immediate dismissal. This way, both parties are clear on the process should the working relationship need to end.

Dispute Resolution

In the event of any disagreements or disputes, it’s crucial to have a plan in place. This could involve mediation, arbitration, or any other form of peaceful dispute resolution.


Finally, don’t forget that both parties should sign and date the agreement. It is also a good idea to each keep a copy for your records.

In conclusion, having a work agreement as a nanny is paramount to setting yourself up for success. It lays the foundation for a healthy, respectful, and mutually beneficial working relationship with the family you serve. Not only does it provide clarity and protection, but it also sets the tone for open communication, which is key in any professional engagement. Remember, you are not just a caregiver; you are a professional, and your work agreement is a reflection of that professionalism.